
Friday, July 29, 2011

It has been way too long . . .

Our life has been completely crazy the last few months, and then flipped upside down the last few weeks - I finally had a moment this evening to blog about everything that is happening ;)

Right after our last blog post in April, I got called to be Relief Society President and Chris got called to be the 1st Counselor in the Young Men's organization at church - Add Connor to the equation, and needless to say, we did not have much spare time on our hands! My normal blogging time was in the evenings once Connor had fallen asleep, but I was also falling asleep much earlier that my usual bedtime (8pm instead of 11pm), because . . . we are so excited to announce that baby boy #2 is on his way and will be joining our family in November!!

Connor has been growing and learning new things every day, sometimes it seems more like every hour! He is a very friendly, personable little guy - he loves EVERYONE and has no fear of strangers. He makes everyone's day - from the ladies at the gym's kid care to the old man at the grocery store - by blowing kisses or waving hello, playing patty-cake or peek-a-boo. He is such a comedian . . . he loves to make other people laugh, and he loves join in the laughing when all the adults around him are doing it too.

We celebrated his 1 year birthday on June 25th with a big backyard BBQ, and then we went out to Utah for the next 2 1/2 weeks to visit family - it was a whirlwind trip and we LOVED it! Connor took his first steps while we were there, and now he is walking everywhere!!

The last 2 weeks have been nuts because Chris found out that he was selected for a promotion to Senior Attorney - we are thrilled (and Connor and I are so proud of him and all his hard work :) The new job is taking us back to Columbia, MO and they want him there by August 1st, so we are in a mad rush to sell our house and get relocated. We are thrilled to be returning to a place and friends that we loved so much, but we will miss our home and friends here in Springfield. Last week we went to Columbia on house hunting trip, and by the end of 5 grueling days, we finally found a home we loved!!

Here are a handful of photos representing the last few months - Utah and new home pics to follow soon!

Connor's 1st Haircut at a salon

Connor's B-day hat

Connor was hilarious sitting in his highchair greeting his guests as they arrived

Two of Connor's favorite things are balls and balloons -
so they were ALL OVER the backyard during the party

This photo is of Connor while we were singing "Happy Birthday" -
at first he looked like he was going to cry, but then he settled into loving the attention

He LOVED his fist taste of sugar and chocolate - who can blame him?

What a fun party!! It has been a great first year and we're excited for the next one :)


The Classy Kitchen said...

Conner really does light ANYONE up. He is such a delight! Congratulations on the job and finding a home! I wish you the best of luck with selling and relocating. It’s a lot of work and being pregnant on top of are going to be wiped out! Good thing you got some blogging done! lol!

The Rays said...

LOVE the post :) It was so fun to see you so much. Connor is such a sweet little guy. We can not wait to meet baby boy #2!

Dominoe said...

What a little charmer! Congrats on the pregnancy and promotion! Some exciting times ahead for you guys!

Linzi Lou, Samantha Boo, Madi Moo, and Chris too said...

Um, wow, I don't even know how you are still sane. what a few months. I bet you are exhausted. All I can say is that you guys sure make a cute boy so I can't wait so see the next little pinkston boy. Hope all goes well with the move.

kt said...

Congrats on the promotion! -And on the release from your calling.:) That's so great! You guys deserve it. I can't wait to see pictures of the new house. Jess, we need to catch up. Call me when your life slows down a little bit.